Online firms face EU fine if extremist posts up for an hour
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Take down will have to be rapid

The European Union’s chief executive on Wednesday proposed fining Google, Facebook, Twitter and other online platforms if they fail to remove extremist content within one hour.

France and Germany working out how to tax big tech
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France suggests a sunset clause

The European Union is working out a way to tax big tech and thinks that an agreement could still be found by the end of the year.

Facebook notes “coordinated political influence campaign”
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Putin on a brave face just in time for the US elections

Facebook is expected to announce that it has identified a coordinated political influence campaign, with dozens of inauthentic accounts and pages that are believed to be engaging in political activity ahead of November's midterm elections.

Facebook pulls plug on third party tools
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Zuckerberg regrets – but…

From tomorrow Facebook will stop accepting third party tools sharing posts automatically to FB Profiles.

Facebook screws up on privacy front again
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Grovels to 14 million people

A Facebook bug means that 14 million people may have posted their private information to the whole of the world that uses the social media tool.

Facebook admits sharing data with the Chinese
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Apparently some people have a problem with that

Facebook has admitted that it has data sharing partnerships with at least four Chinese companies.

Zuckerberg says sorry to Europe
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Wednesday, 23 May 2018 11:41

Zuckerberg says sorry to Europe

But some European politicians want a break up of Facebook

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has apologised to EU lawmakers for the company's role in the Cambridge Analytica scandal and for allowing fake news to swamp the site.

Qualcomm and Facebook team for 60GHz 802.11 ay WiFi
Published in Network

802.11 ay mmWave, 10 Gbps+ speeds

It is not every day you hear that Facebook and Qualcomm go out out in public announcing a plan to work together to deliver high speed internet connectivity with Facebook Terragraph technology through the development of a multi-node wireless system based on 60GHz technology from Qualcomm. This can result in 10Gbps speeds.

IBM expert explains why Facebook needs blockchain
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It is a pretty good idea

Facebook has said that it is forming a new team to focus on blockchain technology, and IBM’s Blockchain expert says it is a good idea.

Cambridge Analytica told to hand over US data
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UK watchdog growls and sends an angry missive

Britain’s data privacy watchdog has growled and told Cambridge Analytica to hand over all the personal information it holds on a US academic.