Today we’ve had a chance to check out the fastest GTX 460 cards currently available in retail, courtesy of Point of View and TGT overclocking team. The GTX 460 BEAST runs at 855MHz for the GPU and 1005MHz for the memory, proudly earning the title of the fastest overclocked GTX 460 money can currently buy. Note that all the TGT GTX 460 overclocked cards use reference PCB and cooling, but that’s nothing to worry about as this cooler is quiet and effective enough to cool GF 104 GPU on GTX 460.
GTX 460 Ultra Charged and BEAST cards are excellent and we’ve seen the BEAST outrunning the reference card by up to 23%. Unfortunately, we’re a bit worried by the high pricing. In fact, GTX 460 1GB BEAST costs about the same as GTX 470.
Point of View/TGT overclocked cards should be pretty attractive to users who don’t want to meddle with overclocking and by buying one of these cards, you’ll get an overclocked card still covered by warranty.
The cards are listed and available at and the prices stand at €209,90 for the GTX 460 768MB Charged, €229,90 for the GTX 460 768MB Ultra Charged and €239 and €259 for the GTX 470 1024MB Charged and Ultra Charged respectively. The GTX 460 768MB Beast and GTX 460 1GB Beast sell at €249 and €280 respectively.