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Batman Arkham Asylum
Batman Arkham Asylum is one of the games that features PhysX effects, but if you’re playing it on one of the Radeon cards, you’ll have to turn them off.
So far, we’ve shown you FarCry 2 results where the GTX 480 outran the HD 5870 with antialiasing turned on, as well as Crysis results where the GTX 480 scores almost identically to the HD 5870. Batman results show that HD 5870 doesn’t quite fare great with antialiasing, but it gets better without it.
At 1920x1200 and no antialiasing, the difference is only 4.7%, but the GTX 480 makes it much higher after we turned 4xAA on – it beats the HD 5870 by as much as 45.9%. The difference at 2560x1600 with no antialiasing is once again minimal; only 2.8%. However, after turning on 4xAA, the gap extends to 50%.
Switching from 1xAA to 4xAA causes a higher performance hit on the HD 5870 than on the GTX 400 cards. At 2560x1600 in FarCry 2, switching from 1xAA to 4xAA results in 19.7% slower GTX 480 performance. The same scenario, on the other hand, sees the HD 5870 performance drop by 38.4%. The same deal in Batman: Arkham Asylum sees the HD 5870 perform as much as 82.8% while the GTX 480 drops by 25.3%. The same scenario results in the GTX 470 running 21.3% slower in FarCry 2 and 27.5% in Batman, which is similar to the GTX 480.
Turning on 4xAA antialiasing at 1920x1200 results in the GTX 480 performing 23.1% slower. Performance drops by 26.3% when you turn on the 4xAA antialiasing at 1920x1200 resolution with the GTX 470. On the other hand, the performance of the HD 5870 drops by as much as 71.4% with same settings. These results clearly show that antialiasing causes higher drops in performance on AMD HD 5870 card.
Not much to complain about Radeon HD 5870’s performance in Batman as it scores almost 60fps at 2560x1600 and 4xAA. It’s a pity that PhysX is intended only for Geforce cards.
The GTX 470 ends up slower than the HD 5870 at resolutions with no antialiasing by 16.6% and 20.5%, respectively. Upon turning on 4xAA on, the situation changes in the GTX 470’s favor. It manages a nice comeback and beats the HD 5870 by 16.3% at 1920x1200 and 19% at 2560x1600.
At 1920x1200, the GTX 480’s PhysX capabilities are 26.6% better than the GTX 470’s. At 2560x1600, the GTX 480 outruns it’s little brother by 22.7%.