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With the HD 5750 740M 512MB XXX - YHDA card, XFX managed to pull off a feat that has proven to be too difficult for the reference card – to beat a reference HD 5750 with 1GB of memory. Although XFX HD 5750 740M XXX comes with only 512MB of memory, XFX pushed the clocks up to the point where it manages to beat the HD 5750 1GB reference card at 1680x1050, as well as 1920x1200.
Overclocking is quite often a pro and a con at the same time; while it does bring superior performance, such cards are usually priced higher. So, for about 110 euro, here, you can choose between the reference HD 5750 1GB or XFX HD 5750 740M 512MB XXX card.
The XFX HD 5750 740M 512MB XXX card is great for gaming as our testing shows that most games are playable even on 1920x1200, and we can’t forget DirectX 11 support.
If you’re in a dilemma on whether to purchase XFX’s overclocked XFX HD 5750 740M 512MB XXX card or the reference HD 5750 1GB version, the former card might have an upper hand as it comes with Assasin’s Creed gift game and we can’t forget XFX’s 5-star support.
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