$5 Allwinner A64 can power 4K tablets
Four Cortex-A53 cores
Chinese SoC designer Allwinner has announced a new $5 chip that should bring 64-bit computing and support for high resolution panels to low-end tablets.
Intel is quietly working with Chinese tablet vendors
Cheap chips and lots of assistance
$4 Allwinner chips power $60 tablets
Making Allwiner the second biggest tablet SoC player
Allwinner to launch 64-bit ARM SoCs this year
Demo slated for October
Intel aggressively pursuing tablet design wins
$5 parts for China?
Cheap tablet SoCs selling like hot cakes
Rockchip and Allwinner lead the way
Tablet chip market to expand 23% this year
Intel and Chinese chipmakers lead the way
White-box tablets selling like hot cakes
Not just in emerging markets
ARM SoC evolution is about to get messy and interesting
Cheap multicores race to the bottom