Virtual personal assistants will do a fifth of your smartphone's work
Gartner dusts off its Crystal balls
The divination unit of Gartner group has been dusting off its crystal balls for its solstice predictions and decided that by 2019, a fifth of all user interactions with the smartphone will take place via virtual personal assistants (VPAs).
Virtual assistants to outpace VR sales over holiday season
Tied with wearables
In a new report from Reuters featuring interviews with nearly two dozen analysts, shipments of personal virtual assistants including Amazon Echo, Google Home, and other smart speaker devices featuring Microsoft’s Cortana are expected to outpace VR headset sales this holiday season.
Virtual Assistants keep getting pestered for sex
Lonely men mostly
A Virtual Assistant software developer claims that one of the weirder aspects of the software is that it is having to handle an awful lot of sexual conversations from lonely men.