News - subcat

AI transcription tool whisper faces scrutiny over accuracy
Published in AI

You have a bad case of Scrutter's Cephaloanal Inversion

Hospitals are starting to use a transcription tool powered by a hallucination-prone OpenAI model.

Passive Wi-Fi developed using 10,000 times less power
Published in News

Named in "top 10 breakthrough technologies of 2016" by MIT

Recently, a team of computer scientists from the University of Washington have developed an ultra-ultra-low power, extremely energy efficient version of the ubiquitous Wi-Fi transmission technologies that most of us have come to welcomingly embrace over the past decade and a half. Dubbed “Passive Wi-Fi,” the new standard consumes nearly 10,000 times less power than current Wi-Fi components and triples battery life on a wide range low bit-rate devices at home and in the workplace.