Looks like Putin is running another troll farm
This one is a little more secretive
Social media research group Graphika published today a 120-page report unmasking a new Russian information operation of which very little has been known so far.

Russian trolls behind anti-5G campaign
New York Times claims it is because Vladimir Putin’s project is behind
Russian troll-farms are engineering the current upswing in the amount of anti-5G information which is suddenly appearing on social media.

Copyright troll could get 12 years
Troll in chains
The US is recommending a 12.5 year prison sentence for Paul Hansmeier, one of the lead attorneys of the copyright troll law firm Prenda.

Online trolls are killing off research into their illness
Darwin at work
Organised online protests chronic fatigue syndrome research are scaring researchers out of studying the disease.
Top sci-fi writer is a troll
Career in doubt
Microsoft sues Google
More patent trollage
US Government researcher worried about patent trolls
Sign that Congress might actually wake up
Patent trolls cost US companies $29 billion in 2011
Study reveals
Apple's patent trollage walloped down under
Judge lets Samsung flog tablets this Christmas