Intel CEO expects shortages until 2023
Hits Nvidia, Intel, AMD, car manufactures
Back in late 202, Nvidia told us that shortages should be the thing of the past at some point in Q1 2021. In early 2021, Nvidia and its CEO adjusted the statement, telling the world that shortages are expected throughout most of 2021.

Chip shortage is the US's fault - Huawei
Huawei claims
Huawei has blamed the US for the chip crunch rocking the global tech industry.

Intel boss is "a maniac" over shortages
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
Chipzilla CEO Bob Swain told analysts that he was getting all maniacal about Intel chip shortages.

Software engineer shortage set to get worse
Mind the gap
Microsoft corporate vice president Julia Liuson said that shortages of worldwide software development engineers to expand to one million in the next five years.

Intel CPUs shortage set to worsen
Just in time for Chromebook seasonal high
Shortages of Intel's CPUs are expected to worsen in the second quarter compared to the first as demand for Chromebooks, which are mostly equipped with Intel's entry-level processors, enters its best period.

If you are building a PC, better hoard parts now
It is going to cost 25 per cent more next year
Building a PC could get even more expensive in 2019 as the US tariffs on Chinese-made goods will rise from 10 percent to 25 percent in January.
HP resolves component shortages

May and June targets to be met
Apple bracing for shortages?

Events in Japan have shut down suppliers