News - subcat

A robot is the new super-hod
Published in IoT
Friday, 16 November 2018 11:58

A robot is the new super-hod

Can build a house in three days

The days of skilled brick-layers making a fortune are coming to a close after a bricklaying robot named Hadrian was described in 2015 by Australian firm Fastbrick Robotics as capable of building the brick shell of a house in a matter of days, and it has now managed to complete the task.

British Army tests new tech
Published in News
Wednesday, 14 November 2018 11:58

British Army tests new tech

But still using Windows ME

The British Army is carrying out a test of military robots and drones over the next month.

MIT creates mass production process for cell-sized robots
Published in IoT

Looking for micro-sized Sara Conners

Boffins at MIT have announced a discovery that could allow mass production of self-powered robots that are the size of cells.

UK Parliament calls first non-human witness
Published in AI
Monday, 15 October 2018 12:01

UK Parliament calls first non-human witness

Asking a robot about AI

The UK Parliament has announced that it will ask a robot about AI issues.

Rolls Royce using cockroach robots
Published in IoT
Wednesday, 18 July 2018 10:11

Rolls Royce using cockroach robots

The only problem is they scuttle away when the light is switched on

Rolls-Royce is developing tiny “cockroach” robots that can crawl inside aircraft engines to spot and fix problems.

Amazon plots home robots
Published in IoT
Monday, 23 April 2018 17:32

Amazon plots home robots

Strike a light

We've had robot vacuum cleaners for quite a few years, but now it seems Amazon is working on a more ambitious project.

Row brewing over AI powered killer robots
Published in AI

Boffins tell South Korean university to stop research

Leading AI experts have boycotted a South Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology over its partnership with weapons manufacturer Hanwha Systems to make AI armed robots.

Robots are plagued with vulnerabilities
Published in News
Wednesday, 23 August 2017 10:57

Robots are plagued with vulnerabilities

Companies tell world “go stick your head in a pig”

Robots are shipping with shedloads of vulnerabilities that no one seems to care much about.

Ban killer robots
Published in News
Monday, 21 August 2017 11:17

Ban killer robots

Musk never sleeps

Tesla boss Elon Musk is among a group of 116 founders of robotics and artificial intelligence companies which is calling on the United Nations to ban autonomous weapons.

AI will delete bureaucrats
Published in News
Monday, 06 February 2017 13:12

AI will delete bureaucrats

250,000 Civil service jobs replaced by cybermen in the UK

A UK government think tank believes that more than 250,000 jobs in the public sector could be replaced by AI in the next 15 years.