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How Apple controls independent repair shops
Published in News
Friday, 07 February 2020 11:08

How Apple controls independent repair shops

Contracts invite trouble

An Apple contract states independent repair shops must agree to audits and inspections, even if they leave the programme.

Apple surrenders on right to repair
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 30 August 2019 10:58

Apple surrenders on right to repair

Realises there is too much work fixing borked Apple gear

Apple will begin selling parts, tools and repair guides to independent shops to fix broken iPhones, a major change after years of lobbying against laws in some US states that would have compelled it to do just that.

Apple could easily bring in “right to repair”
Published in Mobiles

It just does not want too

Internal documents leaked to the tech press show that Apple is fully capable of implementing any right to repair legislation.

Apple stuffs up MacBook repair with design
Published in PC Hardware
Wednesday, 23 January 2019 11:16

Apple stuffs up MacBook repair with design

$6 dollar repair becomes $600 design disaster

MacBook Pro owners are suffering from a design flaw in their expensive toys which means they will have to fork out $600 to fix a minor fault which would normally cost $6 to fix.

Apple still has not activated secret repair kill switch
Published in PC Hardware

Expect it any day now

While Apple has informed its staff about a secret bit of malware it has installed in Macs which bricks computers which have not been repaired by Apple Genii, it has not got around to switching it on yet.

Apple lobbies to force users to use its repair system
Published in News

So much for being environmentally friendly

The fruity cargo cult Apple's green credentials have been called into question after it was revealed in the US it is doing its best to get a law allowing users to repair their own gear scrapped.