Jim Jeffers takes Intel Exascale to Hollywood
Outlines Exascale Vision for a decade
Intel has been part of the Hollywood production scene for more than a decade, but it hA just decided to give us a bit more details about the present and the future of the movie production, all part of the Exascale vision set by Raja Koduri, Jim Keller and Jim Jeffers.

Ex AMD bloke Roy Taylor moves to Cubic Motion
Moving in real time
Cubic Motion, which makes real-time model-based computer vision and facial animation, has appointed Roy Taylor to its Advisory Board. There is a video below showing what Cubic Motion is up too and it looks like that it has interesting motion capture tech for usie in the movie and gaming (unreal engine) industries.

Hedy Lamarr, the mother of wi-fi, dissed by film industry
It was only towards the end of her life that film star Hedy Lamarr was acknowledged as being the co-inventor of technology that underlies technologies including GPS, wi-fi and Bluetooth.

AMD executive discusses AMD studios
AMD goes to Hollywood
AMD has announced that the company has created AMD Studios, to work closely with Hollywood producers and studios.