Expensive AMD server chip going cheap in eBay
70.38 per cent off the official price
TechRadar has found shedloads of AMD’s EPYC “Bergamo” 9754 server-grade processor from the EPYC 9004 series going dirt cheap on eBay.

AI takes its toll on Big Tech
Tech giants axe 34,000 jobs
Major tech firms such as Microsoft, Alphabet, PayPal, and eBay have sacked 34,000 workers since the start of 2024 to focus on artificial intelligence (AI), the Financial Times revealed.

Former Ebay executive admits terror attacks on customers
Send in the live spiders
A former eBay executive admitted conducting a terror campaign against a small newsletter which had the temerity to publish a story about the auctioneer pinching customers from Amazon.

eBay security boss pleads guilty to stalking couple
Cross-country campaign one of the strangest
If you ever wondered if big corporates could be trusted to act reasonably, the strange case of eBay’s complaints department is a compelling case for intense government regulation.

eBay employees harassed a couple over criticism
Over-the-top psychological terrorism
Six eBay employees including a former police captain harassed and cyberstalked a middle aged couple for publishing a newsletter which was critical of the company.

Man posts porn on Ebay by mistake
Owl be seeing you later
A man trying to flog a Beswick figurine of an owl on auction site Ebay snapped a screen on his HP laptop that displayed naked porn stars.
Ebay kills off its own business
Who needs hackers?
Amazon does better than expected
Looks like its Christmas will be OK
AMD Radeon HD 7990 Malta shows up on eBay
Four days to go, stands at US $1,275.00
Ebay workers face criminal prosecution

Did it nick data from Craigslist?