MediaTek labs' autonomous robots track objects
Inexpensive solution for Makers robots
Everything is about Robots these days and Intel, MediaTek and many platform manufacturers are trying to find a way into the market.

China presses ahead with glorious five year tech plan
US tech companies nervy
The Chinese government is set to hack off the US government by working on a set of banking cyber security regulations.

EU working out data deal with US
Promise not to spy on us
The European Commission is working out a deal with the US, that will allow EU data to end up in the US if its government agrees not to steal it.

IBM cornering the cloud patent market
Just like Goldfinger attempted to corner the supply of Gold, it seems that Big Blue is attempting the same thing with cloud patents.

Intel does rather well in Q2 2015
But PC numbers still slide
The maker of chips and bits, Intel is doing better than the cocaine nose jobs of Wall Street expected.

IBM adds Tesla GPU in cloud
Nvidia Tesla K80 gets a job with the suits
Biggish Blue has added an option for its SoftLayer product which adds Nvidia Tesla K80 GPU acceleration in the cloud

Oracle experiences profit plummet
Falling through the cloud
The cocaine nose jobs of Wall Street ran screaming from the toilets after it was announced that industry bellwether Oracle had done much worse than anyone had expected.

Cloud based 4K years away says Nvidia
Can't get the wood
Anyone expecting 4K streaming off the cloud any time soon will be plumb out of luck according to Nvidia's CEO.

Waiting for Hadoop could be waiting for Godot
Gartner warns
Gartner has said that Big Data framework Hadoop will not make any serious impact for at least two years.

Amazon books profit on the cloud
Web Services jump by 50 per cent
Amazon's first-quarter revenue grew thanks to better sales in the US and its cloud-computing services unit increasing sales by 50 per cent.