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Chinese looking at virtual reality
Published in News
Wednesday, 02 November 2022 11:09

Chinese looking at virtual reality

Glorious five year plan

China released its first glorious five-year plan dedicated to virtual reality and says it wants to build more than 25 million devices  valued at $48.20 billion by 2026.

Chinese boffins control pigeons' brains
Published in News
Thursday, 27 October 2022 09:52

Chinese boffins control pigeons' brains

Next, sharks with laser beams 

Chinese boffins claim to have built a solar-powered brain control device to steer a pigeon in flight for about two hours, paving the way for surveillance which sh*ts on you from a great height.

US tries to charge Chinese spies for doing their job
Published in News

Trying to find out what was going on in Huawei investigation 

The Justice Department has announced charges against two Chinese intelligence officers, accusing them of attempting to obstruct a US investigation into the telecommunications giant Huawei.

China flogging dodgy chips to Russia
Published in News
Wednesday, 19 October 2022 12:09

China flogging dodgy chips to Russia

Failure rates up 1,900 per cent

The failure rate of semiconductors shipped from China to Russia has increased by 1,900 percent in recent months, according to Russian national business daily Kommersant.

China-fighting US government investment in chips wipes value from chipmakers
Published in PC Hardware

This was not such a good idea after all

While you might think that taking tax payers money away from poor people and giving it to rich chip makers might help build them up, it turns out that giving them too much cash has been a poisoned pill  $240 Billion Stock Valuation on the deal. 

China upgrades its Great Firewall
Published in News
Thursday, 06 October 2022 11:01

China upgrades its Great Firewall

Maybe this time we can keep the Mongols out 

China appears to have upgraded its Great Firewall so it can handle TLS encryption-based tools, according to the Great FireWall (GFW) report.

Former UMC boss funding "civilian warriors" against China
Published in News

Tsao donates $32.8 million to train 3 million civilian soldiers 

Former Taiwanese chipmaker United Microelectronics boss Robert Tsao outlined plans to fund military training for millions of “civilian warriors” in Taiwan to fight against any potential Chinese invasion.

Nvidia told it can't export AI chips to China
Published in AI
Thursday, 01 September 2022 11:26

Nvidia told it can't export AI chips to China

We don't want them cleverer than us 

US officials have told Nvidia to stop exporting two top computing chips for artificial intelligence work to China.

US bans 3nm processing technique exports on security grounds
Published in News

China targeted

The United States is formally banning the export of four technologies tied to semiconductor manufacturing, calling the protection of the items "vital to national security." 

Smartphone sales drop in China
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 29 July 2022 12:20

Smartphone sales drop in China

Numbers at their lowest 

Sales in China dropped sharply in second quarter by 14.2 per cent over last year, according to number crunchers at Counterpoint.