Published in
Wednesday, 15 March 2017 11:22
Russians say Apple guilty of price-fixing
And run by homosexuals
The Russian government has found the fruity tax-dodging cargo-cult Apple guilty of running a price fixing racket.
Published in
Wednesday, 22 June 2016 13:42
Apple starts paying out for running ebook cartel
$400 million for trying to fix the price of ebooks
One of Steve Jobs’ more despicable moments has finally cost his fruity cargo cult money.
Published in
Tuesday, 08 March 2016 10:05
US's highest court forces Apple to face facts
Steve Jobs ran a cartel
It has taken the highest court in the US to do it, but Apple finally has to admit that its patron saint was a monopolist who ran an ebook cartel designed to raise the cost of books to feather Jobs’ Mobs’ nest.
Published in
Tuesday, 17 November 2015 11:54
EU probes Amazon and Apple’s ebook cartel
It seems that Jobs Mob has not learnt about not playing monopoly
While it waits for the US Supreme Court to let it off the hook for the last book cartel it organised, fruity cargo cult Apple is about to face an investigation for another one.