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Meta claims its AI is better at diplomacy than most humans
Published in AI

Trust Zuckerburg to sort out the world

Meta claims that its AI is better at playing strategy game Diplomacy than most tiny mortals.

Meta fires Galactica AI over controversial life choices
Published in AI

Left to itself, Galactica became as balanced as a Kayne West Twitter post 

Meta has been forced to "pause" a public AI experiment after it started spewing misinformation and offensive comments.

Microsoft and Nvidia team up to develop AI-based cloud
Published in AI

I, for one, welcome our Skynet overlords

In a move that shows that executives from Microsoft and NVIDIA have never seen any science fiction, the pair have teamed up to build a new type of AI cloud computer for Azure customers.

Microsoft sued in AI ruckus
Published in AI
Friday, 04 November 2022 10:18

Microsoft sued in AI ruckus

Vole's Open Sauce street cred suffering 

Software King of the World Microsoft has been sued in what is being seen as a test case for AI software.

Eric Schmidt not in hot water about AI investment
Published in AI

Schmidt not going to hit the fan at the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence committee

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt might have made a dodgy investment in an AI company after he was appointed to the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, but it appears he never did anything wrong.

Israel outsources shooting Palestinians to AI
Published in AI

What could go wrong?

Israel's army has recently introduced artificial intelligence-powered robotic guns in the occupied West Bank.

AI can’t translate languages
Published in AI
Monday, 17 October 2022 12:37

AI can’t translate languages

This is not an area companies should want to experiment

For a while now companies have been thinking that they can off-load their translation work onto AI-based systems to save a buck – but a top boffin has warned that the software is not up to the task.

HR AI is not helping workplace gender or racial diversity
Published in AI

AI is as racist as Henry Ford -- ironically any colour so long as it is white

Hopes that AI recruitment tools to screen a high volume of applicants while removing human bias and discrimination, have been dashed after a new study suggests that such AI tools may be “spurious and dangerous.”

AI can tell if you are suffering from heart disease
Published in AI

Look into my eyes, not around the eyes... and you are out

AI, when not trying to bring down humanity, can scan the eyes and accurately predict a person’s risk of heart disease.

AI Bill of Rights shows Big Tech’s teeth
Published in AI
Wednesday, 05 October 2022 10:28

AI Bill of Rights shows Big Tech’s teeth

White House powerless to stop it

Attempts by the White House to bring in a bill of rights for the age of algorithms has shown how weak elected governments are over the money and power of Big Tech.