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Amazon’s Oracle purge will be finished by next year
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Oracle and Microsoft abusive to customers

Amazon will have shifted most of its Oracle databases onto something of its own making by the end of next year at the latest.

Oracle’s patching process sparks zero-day release
Published in News

Oh those Russians

A Russian security researcher who was so miffed at the glacial pace of Oracle’s patching  released details of a zero-day vulnerability without warning them.

Amazon mocks Oracle’s click bait story
Published in News
Thursday, 25 October 2018 09:54

Amazon mocks Oracle’s click bait story

We must admit they have a point

Yesterday a story appeared on the wires based around a leaked insider report claiming that Amazon’s Prime Day was ruined by the outfits transfer from Oracle to Amazon’s software.

Amazon's Oracle purge caused Prime Day outage
Published in Cloud
Wednesday, 24 October 2018 12:29

Amazon's Oracle purge caused Prime Day outage

Banishing an Oracle is tricky

Amazon’s move away from Oracle software might have cost it a few delivery problems on its biggest day – Prime day.

IBM takes on JEDI
Published in Cloud
Thursday, 11 October 2018 11:56

IBM takes on JEDI

The Force is strong in this one

IBM is challenging the US Defence Department’s decision to turn to a single provider for its $10 billion department wide cloud computing infrastructure which has the Star Wars name JEDI.

Amazon abandons the Oracle
Published in News
Thursday, 02 August 2018 11:50

Amazon abandons the Oracle

Herculean task

Online bookseller Amazon has had enough of Oracle’s database ways and says it will be off the software by 2020.

SAP and Oracle targeted by hackers
Published in News
Thursday, 26 July 2018 12:31

SAP and Oracle targeted by hackers

Mostly exploiting a failure to patch

At least a dozen companies and government agencies have been targeted, and thousands more are exposed to data breaches by hackers exploiting old security flaws in Oracle and SAP management software, two cybersecurity firms and Homeland Security have warned.

Oracle opts for Java SE subscription model
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$2.50 per month per PC user

Oracle has announced its commercial support program for Java SE (Standard Edition), opting for a subscription model instead of one that has had businesses paying for a one-time perpetual licence plus an annual support fee.

Oracle removes serialisation from Java
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Changing the dog's breakfast

Oracle plans to drop serialisation feature from Java which has been causing it huge security problems.

Agressive Oracle hacking off customers
Published in Cloud

Trying to start a Krays 

Oracle customers are getting upset with the company’s aggressive sales tactics as it tries to catch up to Amazon in the cloud market