Microsoft hits back against Russian Kaspersky
We are perfectly legal
Software King of the World Microsoft has hit back at the anti-virus outfit Kaspersky’s complaint to the EU.
Kaspersky sues Microsoft over Windows 10
Microsoft has been playing monopoly again
Russian security software maker Kaspersky Lab has filed antitrust complaints against Microsoft with the European Commission and the German federal cartel office.
US getting paranoid about Kaspersky
The price of gaming elections
The US, which was once paranoid about Chinese hackers, is now so concerned about Russia’s hackers it is now focusing on the country’s cyber security expert Kaspersky.
Kaspersky man charged with treason
AV outfit says it is nothing to do with us
The AV world is a bit shocked by the arrest of Kaspersky Lab’s security expert Ruslan Stoyanov on charges of treason.
Hackers might be business rivals
Dueling with DDOS as weapon of choice
While everyone is claiming that hackers are Isis, anonymous or Chinese spooks, it is increasingly looking like a big chunk is just businesses trying to shut down competition.
Eugene Kaspersky threatened to "rub out rival"
He will sleep with the fishes
The language of the anti-virus industry has always been a little colourful, but Eugene Kaspersky went a little over the top with his godfather impersonation.
Kaspersky find a new zero day Flash flaw
Flash… ahhhhh it will eat everyone of us
Social notworking is phishers paradise
Kaspersky warns
Kaspersky dubs rootkit a killer
TDSS, TDL-4 most complex and sophisticated tool
Adobe overtakes Microsoft in vulnerabilities ladder
Perseverance was key