Apple terrified of new German law
Open up Apple Pay
Moves in Germany to force Jobs' Mob to open up its Apple Pay mobile payments system to rivals have put the fear of God into the fruity cargo cult.

German spooks can spy on network hubs
Court says there is nothing to worry about
Germany's spy agency can monitor major internet hubs if Berlin deems it necessary for strategic security interests, a federal court has ruled.

German networks face Russian invasion
Fancy bear infiltrating German networks
Germany is investigating a security breach of its defence and interior ministries' private networks, a government spokesman has confirmed.

Germans run out of GPUs
Gold rush sparks shortage
Germany is seeing a national shortage in mid-range and high-end graphics cards, due to an increasing craze for mining the Ethereum cryptocurrency.

Germans launch initiative against flying cyber threats
Fears that hackers can bring down their airforce
The German military's aviation safety chief has launched a new initiative against hackers, citing research that he said shows hackers can commandeer military airplanes with the help of equipment that costs about $5,700.

Germans create a single personal data base
Getting in before Facebook
German finance, auto and publishing firms are about to form a European company to store personal data securely so customers can make purchases online from different outlets without punching in their details each time.

German spies fear another Putin “fake news” campaign
Putting in another government he likes
German spooks are worried that after Tsar Putin’s hackers managed to get Donald “Prince of Orange” Trump elected, he is about to use them to select a German government which will do what he tells them.

Germans clear Adblock plus
Perfectly legal
The German courts have cleared AdBlock Plus of any wrong doing meaning that it is legal to use the browser extension.
Twitter bans German neo-nazis
Only in Germany though
Swiss and German boffins want to built a brain

Computer modelling