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Chipzilla lost Krzanich but makes more cash
Published in News

Things are getting better at Intel all the time

The second most important semiconductor company in the world,  Intel (ticker: INTC),  declared results for its second financial quarter and things apparently have never been better, even - or perhaps because - it lost a CEO during the quarter.

Intel nears the big 50
Published in News
Friday, 18 May 2018 11:49

Intel nears the big 50

Middle age approaches

Chip giant Intel will be 50 on July the 18th, and like many a middle aged soul, its mind is turning to events in the past.

Chipzilla has a new patch out
Published in PC Hardware
Thursday, 22 February 2018 11:53

Chipzilla has a new patch out

Hopes to exorcise the spectre in the machine

Chipzilla has announced the availability of a new "microcode solution" to the Spectre vulnerability. The updated firmware applies to 6th, 7th and 8th Generation Intel Core devices.

AMD revenues grow by a third
Published in News
Wednesday, 31 January 2018 01:07

AMD revenues grow by a third

Let's hope the underdog doesn't become an overdog

Long-standing Intel competitor, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), appears from its first quarter results to be gnawing at Chipzilla's ankles.

Intel shrinks the IDF die
Published in News
Monday, 11 July 2016 17:18

Intel shrinks the IDF die

 Don't say who farted

Reports suggest that Intel will only have two so-called “keynote speeches” at its Developer Forum this year - one from CEO Brian Krzanich and the other with Data Centre manager Diane Bryant.

Intel likely to split asunder
Published in News
Wednesday, 06 July 2016 11:00

Intel likely to split asunder

A revel with a cause

The world and its dog knows that Intel is a spent force but now the word on the autobahn is that it’s likely to break into two bits.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011 12:16

Intel comes up with facial recognition


You are a girl Mr Smith