Tim Cook orders law makers to leave his lucrative app store alone
If you make us face the music, user-privacy will suffer
Fruit and nutty cargo-cult supremo Tim Cook told politicians to stop bringing anti-trust charges against his app-store.

Apple faces more anti-trust music in Europe
Watchdog barks extra charges
Apple faces an additional EU antitrust charge connected to the way it handles music payments.

Apple Studio Display has firmware issues
Users forced to have them repaired
Apple’s firmware update of its new Apple Studio Display is causing so many problems for users, they are being forced to take them into the shop to get them fixed.

Apple claims developers are happy with app store because its apps are pants
If you going to tell a lie tell a whopper
Fruit and Nutty cargo cult Apple is fighting against EU, US and developer claims that it is an evil empire that would sell Steve Jobs’ own grandmother for medical experiments if it got a third of the money with a report showing that everyone in the app story is a happy bunny.

Apple WWDC scheduled for June 6-10
Still a virtual event only
Apple has officially sent out invites for its WorldWide Developer Conference (WWDC), and it will be held from June 6 to June 10.

Canadians might make big content pay newspapers
Got to prop up the mass media
The Canadian government introduced legislation Tuesday to force digital giants to compensate news publishers for the use of their content.

Police confirm that AirTag’s are a perve’s tool of choice
Stalking women
Police records have shown that Apple’s AirTags are being used to stalk and harass women.

Apple admits AirPods 3 were a waste of money
Campaign failed, needs to regroup and focus on key objectives
Fruity and nutty cargo cult Apple has admitted that its over-hyped and pricy AirPods 3 which were launched just last year were a disaster.

Apple sued for forgetting to pay store workers on time
Expected staff just to be happy to be working there
Fruity and nutty cargo cult Apple has been accused in a lawsuit flouting a New York labor law by not issuing weekly pay cheques to its store workers who do manual labour.

Google copies Apple's pay antics
If they can get away with it, why can't we?
Google has seen Apple prop up its App store by insisting developers use its Apple Pay systems and thought it was an excellent way to make money.