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Apple squeezes more cash out of iPhone cash cow
Published in Mobiles

Pull the udder one new chips only going to be for top of the range machines

Fruity cargo cult Apple has worked out that the best way to squeeze more cash from its dying iPhone cash cow is to drive users to pricy flagship models.

MacBook Pro 2022 is pointless
Published in PC Hardware
Tuesday, 05 July 2022 12:09

MacBook Pro 2022 is pointless

Apple's tame reviewers confused

We feel sorry for the Tame Apple Press at times. There are some days when keeping the reality distortion field going requires so much mental effort and it is probably easier just to wake up and see the truth.

US Supreme Court protects Big Tech
Published in News
Monday, 04 July 2022 12:07

US Supreme Court protects Big Tech

Federal government moves to protect consumers unconsitutional

The US Supremes might be making a move to protect Big Tech from efforts made by the federal government to restrain their power.

Apple moral voice pleads guilty to immorality
Published in News

Who would have thunk it

The person who Apple appointed to lecture its staff on the dangers of insider trading has admitted six counts of insider trading.

Apple wants people to buy its old Apple TVs
Published in News

Offering a “discount”

Fruity cargo cult Apple has so many Apple TV boxes sitting in its US warehouses it is giving users an unheard of discount to take them off their hands.

Apple copies ancient Microsoft partner programme
Published in PC Hardware

Decides to be extra nice to select unpaid support staff with "white glove" service

Fruity cargo cult Apple has discovered that being an arse to its support partners might not be such a good idea and instead its is copying a "white glove service" that Microsoft has been doing for 20 years.

Brazil cracks down on Apple nuts
Published in News
Thursday, 30 June 2022 11:36

Brazil cracks down on Apple nuts

Looking at forcing them to use USB-C 

Fruity cargo-cult Apple might be forced to provide USB-C chargers in its iPhones in Brazil.

TSMC continues to grow
Published in PC Hardware
Wednesday, 29 June 2022 11:42

TSMC continues to grow

While Intel declines

Beancounters have been looking at some numbers and reached the conclusion that TSMC will grow second-quarter revenue 43 percent quarter-over-quarter to $18.1 billion.

Apple still claims to have invented the touchscreen smartphone
Published in Mobiles

Claims Samsung copied them

Fruity cargo cult Apple is still peddling the myth that it invented the touchscreen smartphone by claiming that Samsung copied them.

Apple’s M2 new 13-inch MacBook Pro has an SSD powered by snails
Published in PC Hardware

You must make your money from somewhere

Apple's new 13-inch MacBook Pro with its over hyped M2 chip has another flaw which you are unlikely to read in the Tame Apple Press.