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Apple staff revolting over Orwellian advertising moves
Published in News

Ruins the “premium experience”

Staff at the fruity cargo-cult Apple are hacked off at their management’s move to fill the iPhone with advertising.

Apple and Amazon formed mobile phone cartel: claim
Published in Mobiles

Designed to keep Apple gear prices high

A new antitrust lawsuit is accusing Apple and Amazon of rigging the market to keep the price of iPhone and iPads high.

iOS apps track you even when ask them nicely not too
Published in News

So much for paying Apple protection money

While users pay Apple a fortune for protection money to stop app store apps tracking them, independent research shows they still do -- including Apple's own apps.

Apple been helping Chinese improve memory technology
Published in News

Not sure the US government will be happy about that

Apple’s favourite newspaper The New York Times has discovered, that much to its horror, that Jobs’ Mob has not joined in the anti-Chinese bashing other Big Tech companies have been doing.

Apple’s China Crisis
Published in News
Tuesday, 08 November 2022 12:42

Apple’s China Crisis

When your entire company depends on countries getting along

Fruity cargo cult Apple is in hot water because its CEO Tim Cook cut costs by depending on a Chinese supply chain.

Apple purges videos of its Worldwide Developer Conferences from YouTube
Published in News

Rewriting history

Fruity cargo cult Apple has conducted a “special operation” to purge YouTube of historical files from its history.

Apple claims its iPhones in short supply
Published in Mobiles
Monday, 07 November 2022 11:29

Apple claims its iPhones in short supply

Blames the Chinese Covid lockdowns

Fruity cargo cult Apple is insisting that its new iPhones are in short supply, despite cutting back on production because no one was interested in them.

Apple makes 2013 and 2014 iMacs obsolete
Published in News
Friday, 04 November 2022 11:08

Apple makes 2013 and 2014 iMacs obsolete

In other news there are eight year old Apple computers still alive 

Apple is planning to make several 2013 and 2014 iMac models obsolete by the end of November.

Apple too broke for new staff
Published in News
Friday, 04 November 2022 10:27

Apple too broke for new staff

Can you lend us a fiver until pay day guv?

Fruity cargo cult Apple has decided that it can no longer afford to take on any more staff.

Mobile phone cash cow is dying warns Qualcomm
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 03 November 2022 11:56

Mobile phone cash cow is dying warns Qualcomm

Predicting a ‘double-digit’ drop in phone sales

Anyone hoping to make money on smartphones this year is going to have a disappointing time, warned Qualcomm in its latest results.