4K Ultra HD telly sales grow
Doing better than HD TV's did
Despite having limited content, 4K Ultra HD televisions are expected to double sales to 15 million units in the US in 2016.

Sony announces its first 4K Blu-ray disc player
Only available through Sony AV dealers and installers
This week at Sony’s annual Cedia 2016 press briefing in Dallas, Texas, the company announced its first 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray disc player, the UBP-X1000ES. Unfortunately, the device will only be available through Sony’s authorized custom installation dealerships.

MediaTek talks about 4K and HDR
In 2016, streaming Ultra HD is the key
On Thursday, MediaTek executives took part in a 2016 Futuresource New Content Horizons conference together with Samsung, Sony and DTS in the heart of the entertainment industry, in West Hollywood, California.