IBM wants to make quantum supercomputers
Published in News
Wednesday, 11 May 2022 11:52

IBM wants to make quantum supercomputers

The plan is potentially alive and dead

IBM is ready to expand quantum technology into supercomputing – a gift for Bond villains everywhere.

Aussies put quantum randomness online
Published in News
Tuesday, 26 April 2022 11:32

Aussies put quantum randomness online

At least to AWS customers

The Australian National University (ANU) is putting its ANU Quantum Numbers (AQN) online random number generator has been launched on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace.

Encryption outfit might have talked up its quantum claims
Published in News

Former employees say the tech is a bit pants

Arqit says its encryption system can't be broken by quantum computers, but former employees and people outside the company question the relevance of its technology.

Bejing sets new record for quantum secure direct communication
Published in News

Quantum Message flung over 102.2 km

Researchers in Beijing have set a new quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) world record of 102.2 km (64 miles), smashing the previous mark of 18 km (11 miles).

US Department of Defense fears quantum cats
Published in News

Tsar Putin and his Chinese chums might call in the moggies

David Spirk, the chief data officer for America's Department of Defense, is rather worried about the potential of quantum computers to crack encryption on sensitive data.

Fujitsu does some quantum jujutsu
Published in PC Hardware
Wednesday, 30 March 2022 12:22

Fujitsu does some quantum jujutsu

36-qubit quantum circuits

Fujitsu claims to have developed a quantum computer simulator capable of handling 36-qubit quantum circuits on a cluster system featuring the company's supercomputer PRIMEHPC FX 700.

Quantum computers a long way from hacking SHA-256 algorithm
Published in News

Would need to be a million times larger

Quantum computers would need to become around one million times larger than they are today in order to break the SHA-256 algorithm that secures bitcoin.

Aussies have Quantum processor breakthrough
Published in PC Hardware
Friday, 21 January 2022 12:30

Aussies have Quantum processor breakthrough

Create kangaroos which are potentially dead or alive

Aussie boffins have come up with a way which paves the way for large silicon-based quantum processors for real-world manufacturing and application.

Boffins create key tech for quantum batteries
Published in News

Potentially live and flat at the same time

A team of boffins have demonstrated the quantum mechanical principle of super-absorption that underpins quantum batteries in a proof-of-concept device.

We are closer to a quantum internet
Published in Network
Friday, 18 December 2020 11:13

We are closer to a quantum internet

It is potentially dead and alive

Boffins have emerged from their labs smeared with the bodies of dead cats, to announce that they have successfully teleported qubits of photons across approximately 27 miles of fibre-optic cable.