Fudzilla predicted Intel’s next CEO in Oct 2018
Published in PC Hardware

Bob Swan it is

Intel has just announced that Robert (Bob) Swan, its current interim CEO, is the new CEO of the company. After a rather long search that's lastest since the departure of Brian Krzanich, the board has approved  Swan as the permanent CEO position.

Chipzilla lost Krzanich but makes more cash
Published in News

Things are getting better at Intel all the time

The second most important semiconductor company in the world,  Intel (ticker: INTC),  declared results for its second financial quarter and things apparently have never been better, even - or perhaps because - it lost a CEO during the quarter.

COO Diane Bryant  leaves Google Cloud
Published in PC Hardware
Friday, 06 July 2018 13:27

COO Diane Bryant leaves Google Cloud

Intel’s first female CEO?

Ex-CEO Brian Krzanich was escorted out of Intel and this bombastic announcement made us try to find out on June 22nd who might be next in line to become Intel’s CEO. We suggested that Diane Bryant who went to Google as a COO could and she announce her departure a day ago.

Possible candidate names for Intel's next CEO
Published in News

Exclusive: It is going to be the Game of Thrones

After we heard that Brian Krzanich is out, we started to ask people close to the matter who might be the next in line for the Iron Throne. We got a few internal names or names close to the company, as well as some ex-Intel executives who made the list.

Intel fires CEO Brian Krzanich
Published in News
Thursday, 21 June 2018 15:55

Intel fires CEO Brian Krzanich

Relationship with an Intel employee

There is no better way to steer the week than an announcement that the  CEO of Intel, Brian Krzanich, was fired as both the leader of the company and a member of the board of directors. Intel officially says he resigned but it also said that he was in a past consensual relationship with an Intel employee, a big no-go and against the company’s policy.

Woman gets top job at Intel
Published in News
Friday, 31 March 2017 13:48

Woman gets top job at Intel

Strategist extraordinaire

Chip behemoth Intel said it had appointed Aicha S. Evans as its chief strategy officer.

Took too long to realise and take action

Our boys will be home by Christmas

Thursday, 17 October 2013 09:34

Intel promises more cheap stuff

$99 tablets, $349 hybrids