Chipmakers might find that US subsidies have fine print
The government might want a share of your profits
Big Tech hoping to make a killing by having their chip expansion plans financed by the US government might want to look at the small print.

UK chipmakers threaten to leave unless British government gets its act together
Brexit leads to exit
UK chipmakers are threatening to move their operations to the US or Europe unless the government pulls its finger out and announce a semiconductor strategy.

Chipmakers to spend record cash on new fab equipment
$109 billion in 2022 and 2023
According to a fresh report, big chip manufacturers are increasing spending on new fab equipment, reaching a record $109 billion in 2022, a 20 percent increase compared to the previous year.

Chinese chipmakers could be boosted in post-Moore’s Law
Chinese dragon could take Chipzilla
Not everyone is mourning the slow death of Moore’s Law and Chinese chipmakers could use the period to catch up with their Western rivals.

Apple developers and chipmakers are revolting
Standing against the Steve Jobs's design disaster
Apple developers are revolting against the terrible design of Steve Jobs and Jony Ive’s “ufo” headquarters.

Applied Materals surprises Wall Street
Chip making could be picking up
There are signs that chip making might be starting to pick up after one of the largest supplier of tools used to make semiconductors turned in a bigger than expected profit.

China to get aggressive on chipmaking
Battle Chipzilla and other monsters
The Chinese government appears to be keen to create its own chipmaking giant to battle Chipzilla and the Taiwanese and Japanese monsters.