IBM tests blockchain with major banks
Published in Cloud
Monday, 30 July 2018 14:07

IBM tests blockchain with major banks

New platform

Big Blue along with foreign exchange settlement provider CLS, Barclays ad Citigroup and several other banks are testing a platform to access blockchain-based applications.

Wall Street analyst says Intel chip better than Zen
Published in PC Hardware

Cue the hate

A Wall Street analyst, with no thought to his personal safety, has dared to question what AMD fans have been telling us for ages – Zen will bring about peace on earth, cure cancer and above all give Intel a good kicking.

Thursday, 06 September 2012 10:53

Windows 8 gets a pasting from Citigroup

windows logo new

Will not save the Notebook

Thursday, 16 June 2011 12:38

Citigroup comes clean about May hack


360,000 customers hit