Intel: X86 not sexy, oily data is
Published in News
Friday, 08 June 2018 12:26

Intel: X86 not sexy, oily data is

Submerge yourself in a deep data lake

The CEO of chip giant Intel has looked into his crystal ball, read some tea leaves and shuffled his Tarot cards and predicted that Big Data will have the same impact on human existence as oil.

Intel flattens inside the box
Published in News
Friday, 27 October 2017 16:25

Intel flattens inside the box

Spins things a different way

Chip giant Intel always looks on the bright side. Or, to put it another way, it spins the news to pretend things are better than they actually are.

Intel invests $250 million in self-driving cars
Published in News
Thursday, 17 November 2016 12:04

Intel invests $250 million in self-driving cars

Automotive on the cusp of change

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich told the assorted throngs at the LA Auto Show's AutoMobility conference that Chipzilla will invest $250 million over the next two years to make fully autonomous driving a reality.

Intel CEO loses touch with reality
Published in News
Tuesday, 16 August 2016 21:39

Intel CEO loses touch with reality

Opinion: INTC goes bonkers

The CEO of Intel is trying to pretend that talking about virtual reality is masking the reality that his company has become irrelevant.

Intel boss banked $11.2 million last year
Published in News

You get what you pay for

Intel chief executive Brian Krzanich made $11.2 million in total compensation in 2014.

Our boys will be home by Christmas

Lousy quarters are the new normal

Monday, 26 August 2013 10:12

Intel to sack spinners

The lot of them

Monday, 01 July 2013 10:35

Intel to speed up mobile chip release

New CEO’s cunning plan

Disarm ARM