Bugzilla attacked and attacks Mozilla
Mothra not drawn into conflict
Big cheeses at the Mozzarella Foundation have confirmed that Bugzilla has been hacked and sensitive data has been turned on Mozilla users.

Eugene Kaspersky threatened to "rub out rival"
He will sleep with the fishes
The language of the anti-virus industry has always been a little colourful, but Eugene Kaspersky went a little over the top with his godfather impersonation.

Fallout from Ashley Madison hack
Blackmail and suicide
The hackers who published the data from Ashley Madison hack appear to have taken more collateral damage than they expected.

Hackers dump cheating partners' details on Darkweb
There if you know where to look
Hackers dumped online personal details of more than a million users of infidelity website AshleyMadison.com, onto the dark web.

Italian teen found what Apple security experts couldn't
Forbidden to fix it
An Italian teenager has found two zero-day vulnerabilities in Apple's OS X operating system that could be used to gain remote access to a computer.

Apple spends a fortune protecting Cook
From what?
Fruity cargo cult Apple is so terrified that something bad will happen to its leader Tim Cook that it spends nearly $700,000 to protect him.

McAfee arrested in US
Call security
IT bad boy John McAfee fought the law and the law won.

NSA will stop looking at bulk data collection
Trust it
The National Security Agency has said that it will end its access to most bulk data collected under a controversial surveillance program in November, but keep records for litigation purposes.

HTML5 security might hide web exploits
Turning gamekeepers into poachers
Some of the features introduced in HTML5 can be used to hide web-based exploits and help them evade security.

Apple inserts bug into OSX
Allows designer malware
The software genii at Apple have redesigned their OSX software to allow malware makers to make designer micro-software that can infect Macs with rootkits.