China blocks Wikipedia
Published in News
Tuesday, 14 May 2019 12:00

China blocks Wikipedia

The outfit which makes famous people disappear has been disappeared

The online encyclopaedia staffed by those who get off on saying that people who are more notable them are not significant has ironically found itself on the wrong end of Chinese censorship.

Chinese spooks using NSA hacking tools
Published in News
Wednesday, 08 May 2019 12:30

Chinese spooks using NSA hacking tools

Thanks for the development work guys

Chinese spooks nicked National Security Agency hacking tools and repurposed them in 2016 to attack American allies and private companies in Europe and Asia.

Foxconn boss wants to broker peace between China and Taiwan
Published in News

There are zoos on both sides of the ocean for us to run

Terry Gou, the Foxconn boss, who once described his job as being a head zookeeper,  thinks he can end the conflict between China and Taiwan.

Intel cuts forecast
Published in News
Friday, 26 April 2019 12:32

Intel cuts forecast

Things not looking too good in China

Chipzilla slashed its full-year revenue forecast and missed analysts’ expectations for first-quarter sales.

The West is Huawei with the fairies
Published in News
Wednesday, 24 April 2019 21:38

The West is Huawei with the fairies

Opinion: 5G is an accident waiting to happen

I first encountered Huawei in, I think, the 2000s, when I was still editing the INQuirer. It was showing off some network infrastructure kit – new to the game, it was a contender. But now it is way more than a contender, it's made big strides in the technology field.

US spooks claim Huawei is funded by Chinese intelligence
Published in News

Still no proof

US intelligence has accused Huawei Technologies of being funded by Chinese state security.

China’s IC foundries sitting idle
Published in News
Friday, 12 April 2019 12:37

China’s IC foundries sitting idle

And more capacity is expected to make matters worse

The Chinese IC foundry is suffering from a bad case of idle capacity, and things are expected to get worse when more 12- and 8-inch fabs are set to come online.

China smartphone sales fall
Published in Mobiles
Wednesday, 10 April 2019 12:34

China smartphone sales fall

Along with hope for Apple

Any hope that overpriced smartphones will make any impact in China have been dashed.

Autotalks passes Chinese C-V2X field test
Published in Transportation
Thursday, 04 April 2019 12:27

Autotalks passes Chinese C-V2X field test

Transmits over 1.5 km

Vehicle to Everything (V2X) communication outfit Autotalks thinks it might have a foot in the door in China after the successful completion of the C-V2X field test with an unnamed Chinese technology giant.

Apple lower prices in China again
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 02 April 2019 11:40

Apple lower prices in China again

Lower taxes

The fruity cargo cult Apple lowered prices for its products in China on Monday not as an admission that it was overpriced, but because a cut in the country’s value-added tax (VAT) rate came into effect.