ARM brings in new mbed standard
Internet of things boost
ARM has bought in a new assurance standard to work with embedded devices.
The ARM mbed Enabled program aims to increase the deployment rate of Internet of Things (IoT) products and supporting technologies by giving partners the ability to label them as interoperable mbed-based devices.

Biggish Blue invests in cloudy internet of stuff
Things ain't wot they used to be
The ever shrinking Big Blue has said it will invest $3 billion over the next four years in a new 'Internet of Things" unit, aiming to sell its expertise in gathering and making sense of the surge in real-time data that the Internet of Stuff will generate.

Intel releases new Internet of Things tech
Things are not what they used to be
Intel showed off a new platform which it claims makes it easier for companies to create Internet-connected smart products using its chips, security and software.
Cisco sees $19 trillion opportunity in Internet of Things
Wearables are hot too, but people lose interest fast
Hackers want to control your fridge
If there is nothing better on the telly
Intel creates skunk works for connected gadgets
Internet of things, wearable nonsense