Raven at work on next gen FPS title?
Rumors suggest that is what is happening
Intel changes its next gen introduction strategy
Keeps things quiet for much longer
Nokia's Purity Pro headset color scheme hints at next-gen Lumias
€299? So where’s Dre hiding?
Durango to pack 16 core CPU
IBM Power PC
Durango unlikely to block used games
Microsoft not ready to upset the ecosystem
Seagate hits 1 Terabit per square inch milestone
3.5’’ drives to soar to 60TB in next 10 years
Kojima shows new-gen engine
Metal Gear 5 will use new Fox Engine
Is another Alan Wake in development?

Could be for the next generation Xbox
2015 for next Xbox hardware?

Rumors are untrue, according to sources
Gathering dust is all Wii is doing

Nintendo needs to launch a successor