Thieves tunnel into an Apple store
Published in News
Friday, 07 April 2023 11:34

Thieves tunnel into an Apple store

iPhones worth more than a bank vault

In a move normally reserved for thieves wanting to break into bank vaults, robbers tunnelled their way into an Apple backstore to steal $500,000 worth of iPhones (that is probably about six).

New iPhone announcements likely to disappoint
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 24 September 2020 11:55

New iPhone announcements likely to disappoint

But fanboys will still buy it

A leak of the fruity cargo cult Apple's coming iPhone 12 has revealed another pile of suck for users to have to put up with.

Crooks plunder Apple stores
Published in News
Thursday, 27 September 2018 11:07

Crooks plunder Apple stores

Apple kit highly desirable

A report said that nine Apple stores have suffered daylight robberies during the last month.

India bans Apple because it is not innovative enough
Published in News

We have enough religions already thanks

India has rejected the Apple Cargo cult's request to set up iPhone temples, other wise known as Apple Stores, in the country because it makes all its products in foreign parts.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012 14:21

Apple store goes down


Ready for the big day