AMD part of Amazon’s High-Performance Computing
Published in Graphics

EC2 Hpc6a Instances for HPC Workloads

AMD’s new EPYC chips are behind Amazon’s EC2 Hpc6a Instance Optimised High-Performance Computing (HPC) product.

IBM Cloud releases third-generation AMD EPYC servers
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128 cores (256 threads) of processing power to play with

IBM Cloud has released Bare Metal Servers using the newly released third-generation AMD EPYC processors.

AMD Milan-X EPYC is a beast with 3D V-Cache
Published in News
Monday, 08 November 2021 23:42

AMD Milan-X EPYC is a beast with 3D V-Cache

804MB of total cache per socket

AMD has unveiled its 3rd gen AMD EPYC Milan-X CPU, a beast with 3D V-Cache, up to 64 Zen 3 cores, and an 804MB of total cache per socket, promising up to 50 percent average uplift across targeted workloads.

AMD talks Zen 4 EPYC at the Accelerated Data Center keynote
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Genoa Zen 4 and Bergamo Zen 4c, with up to 96 and 128 cores

During its Accelerated Data Center keynote, AMD has disclosed some impressive details about its upcoming Zen 4-based EPYC lineup, including details about the 4th generation EPYC, and two segments it will cover.

AMD hires former Intel executive
Published in Cloud
Wednesday, 29 September 2021 11:56

AMD hires former Intel executive

Cloudy EPYC business

AMD has hired a former Intel data centre executive to lead the cloud business for the chipmaker’s EPYC processors as it seeks to take more server market share away from its rival.

New EPYC supercomputer opens in Berkeley Lab
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One of the fastest in the world 

AMD today joined the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and others in unveiling the new Perlmutter supercomputer powered by AMD EPYC 7003 Series processors and Nvidia GPUS.

EPYC powers new supercomputer for Singapore
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The Crays are now EPYC

AMD announced that AMD EPYC 7003 Series processors will be used to power a new supercomputer for the National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) Singapore, the national high-performance computing (HPC) resource center dedicated to supporting science and engineering computing needs.

AMD and HPE score another big supercomputer win
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More Epyc results in Finland

AMD and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) today announced another big super computer based around AMD EPYC CPUs and AMD Instinct GPUs.

AMD doing well as profits are Ryzen and bottom line is EPYC
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Sales up 26 percent thanks to Ryzen and Epyc

AMD reported better than expected second quarter results as sales surged 26 percent on strong demand for Ryzen PC chips and Epyc server processors.

Super Micro installed at Center for Scientific Computing
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AMD EPYC next gen High Performance computing servers

Super Micro said that the German Center for Scientific Computing (CSC) has chosen Supermicro’s 4U 8 GPU A+ server with PCI-E Gen 4 and 200Gb/s networking (AS -4124GS-TNR) as the foundation for their next generation of High-Performance Computing (HPC) servers.