Putin admits Russian hacks
Published in News
Friday, 02 June 2017 11:20

Putin admits Russian hacks

But it wasn’t me

Tsar of all the Russias, Vladimir Putin, has admitted that Russian hackers probably did game the American election to help President Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump win.

Kaspersky Lab to feature in Russian spy investigation
Published in News

Senate Intelligence Committee broadens Trump investigation

The Senate Intelligence Committee has widened its investigation into Russia's alleged meddling in last year's presidential election, to include security outfit Kaspersky Lab.

US getting paranoid about Kaspersky
Published in News
Wednesday, 10 May 2017 13:38

US getting paranoid about Kaspersky

The price of gaming elections

The US, which was once paranoid about Chinese hackers, is now so concerned about Russia’s hackers it is now focusing on the country’s cyber security expert Kaspersky.

Russian hackers, Wikileaks and Far Right game French election
Published in News

Even Wikileaks admits it is being played

Hackers working for Tsar Putin had another go at gaming an election with its usual partners of Far Right groups and Wikileaks.

Trump blames China for Democratic Party hack
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It was not my friend Putin – he said so

Desperate to divert Republican attention from the fact his chum and benefactor Tsar Vladamir Putin hacked the Democratic Party and helped him win the election, Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump is blaming China.

All the world’s finance traffic routed through Russia
Published in News

Nothing to worry about

For a brief period, most of the world’s financial traffic was routed through a Russian government-controlled telecom and in the hands of Tsar Putin.

Wikileaks insists tech companies obey Assange
Published in News

Or risk being hacked

Any hope of a partnership between Wikileaks, Google, Microsoft, and Apple to fix holes that the CIA has found in their products has hit a roadblock because Julian Assange is insisting that the big three do everything the way he says.

Yahoo arrests show the hand of Putin
Published in News
Thursday, 16 March 2017 11:34

Yahoo arrests show the hand of Putin

Russians apparently thought people still used Yahoo mail

Indictments in the United States of four people in a 2014 cyber attack on Yahoo reveal a symbiotic relationship between Tsar Vladimir’s Putin’s security services and private Russian hackers.

Russians say Apple guilty of price-fixing
Published in Mobiles
Wednesday, 15 March 2017 11:22

Russians say Apple guilty of price-fixing

And run by homosexuals

The Russian government has found the fruity tax-dodging cargo-cult Apple guilty of running a price fixing racket.

Russian hackers are targeting Macs
Published in News
Thursday, 16 February 2017 12:26

Russian hackers are targeting Macs

Putin orders another soft target

After gaming the US election to help Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump win, Tsar Vlad Putin has ordered his tame hackers to target Mac users.