Corsair is one of the big memory manufacturers that still haven’t joined the SSD bandwagon and it still hasn’t announced its Solid State Drive series of products. The company has confirmed that they are watching this market closely and that in the future there will be Corsair-based SSD drives, but not in the real close future.
Corsair thinks that these drives have too many compatibility problems, that the capacity is too small for the desktop and gaming market, which is its primary target; and last and certainly not least, that these drives are still insanely overpriced.
You can buy a few terabytes of storage for decent SSD 64GB drive and these prices are still out of the earth's orbit. As Intel as one of the biggest players in IT markets wants to go down the Solid State Drive road, Corsair will also do it, but only when it makes more financial sense.
The speeds of each generation of SSD are getting better, prices are progressively going down, and at some point Corsair will make these products, but not just yet.