Hacked security cameras still wide open
I am ready for my close up Mr. DeMille
Shedloads of IP security cameras made by China-based Hikvision are still unpatched even if a fix was issued for a critical security bug nearly a year ago.
Happy Health comes up with Happy ring
Health monitoring, but not the part of your body you might think
Happy Health has released a ring which it says measures your sleep, stress, and ultimately mood. The company says this simple ceramic and resin band can capture brain signals from the peripheral nervous system and translate them into real-time, measures of mood state.
Amazon will know all about your home
IRobot will spill the beans
Amazon has just written a $1.7 billion cheque for the robotic vacuum maker iRobot which might be providing the online bookseller with details about your home.
Xiaomi releases new smart glasses
Can you read the bottom line now? What about now?
Xiaomi today unveiled a pair of smart glasses targeting consumers who might have a spare $370 lying around.
Infineon chip opens locks
No batteries just use your phone
Infineon, which has a new chip for sale that allows the opening of NFC locks without battery, because the energy used is taken from the smartphone.