MediaTek releases smart home products
Published in IoT

Cars and tellies

MediaTek today announced the launch of several new AI products for the smart home.

Apple’s grip on smartwatch slips
Published in IoT

Share dropping

While the overall smartwatch market is experiencing steady growth, Apple’s hold on market share continues to slip.

Fitbit Charge 3 gets hammered
Published in IoT

Synching issues not fixed

Fitbit’s new Charge 3 is turning out to be a lemon and users are furious.

Microsoft snubs Intel on Hololens
Published in IoT

Qualcomm's 'Always Connected' Snapdragon 850 SoC gets the nod

Software king of the world Microsoft has decided not to use Intel chips in its second generation HoloLens mixed reality headset.

Imagination Technologies announces PowerVR Series3NX
Published in IoT

For automotive, mobile, smart surveillance and IoT edge devices.

Imagination Technologies announced PowerVR Series3NX, its latest neural network accelerator (NNA) architecture.