Intel CEO gives up chasing market share
Analysis: CTO mindset
There was a lot of discussion about Intel’s CEO's recent presentation at the Credit Suisse technology conference. Bob Swan commented that he is willing to give up the 90 percent mark share mindset. He would instead get 30 percent of all silicon market valued at $288 TAM.
GTI and Sensory accelerate biometrics by 4X
Enhanced AI Biometric Access on Edge Devices
Gyrfalcon Technology inc, GTI announced a partnership with AI solution provider Sensory to deliver low latency, high reliability embedded, machine learning capabilities on edge devices.
Intel buys Habana Labs
Wants to improve its AI
Intel has acquired Habana Labs, an Israel-based developer of programmable AI and machine learning accelerators for cloud data centres.
Emotion recognising AI should be banned
Based on fake science
A leading research centre has called for new laws to restrict the use of emotion-detecting tech which it claims is unproven technology.
How to train your AI fast
Apparently you use a bucket
Computer boffins from Rice University and Amazon have shown they can slash the amount of time and computational resources it takes to train computers for product search and similar "extreme classification problems" like speech translation and answering general questions.
AI about to hit a wall
Facebooks AI brain warns
Facebook's AI bloke Jerome Pesenti has warned that the technology is about to hit a brick wall.
AI is the king of Go
Human surrenders the field.
The only human who beat Google's AI at a game of go has decided to retire because the technology cannot be defeated.
Cortana mobile app joins Clippy
Vole gives up on Cortana mobile voice assistant
The Cortana mobile app is going the way of all Microsoft’s assistants.
Cerebras releases world’s biggest chip
Designed for AI
Cerebras Systems announced the biggest chip the world has ever seen, the "wafer-scale engine," or "WSE."
US could be eclipsed by Chinese on AI
Google former boss warns
The US is falling behind China in the race to understand AI according to a government commissioned panel led by Google’s former CEO Eric Schmidt.