Nintendo to slash original Wii price
Will drop to $130 this holiday season
No Xbox 360 price cut this holiday season
Dropping the price on Kinect is all you get
Microsoft slashes Kinect pricing
Drop for $109.99 only for North America
AMD to slash HD 7970, 7950 and 7870 prices on Monday
XFX and Sapphire 7970 GHz editions incoming
Intel slashes SSD prices
HDD is pretty much doomed
WD and Seagate slash HDD warranties
On December 31 and January 2, respectively
Sony slashes outlook
Thai floods disrupt camera production
Nintendo slashes 3DS price

Clearly, was not the hit that they hoped
Homefront price tumbles to $42

First day sales exceeded 375,000 units
Sony studies PS3 price cut

Price drop in the future is likely