Published in
Monday, 08 March 2021 14:27
AMD could be working on cryptomining GPU SKUs as well
Navi 12 GPU spotted in AMD Direct Rendering Manager
With Nvidia trying to push cryptominers to its Cryptocurrency Mining Processors (CMPs), it was just a matter of time before we saw a similar move from AMD. According to the latest rumors, it appears that AMD might be preparing to do just that.
Published in
Tuesday, 12 June 2018 14:08
Big Navi 20 to arrive 2020 or later
Vega 64 real replacement
As Fudzilla reported a few times, Navi 10, the small Navi, manufactured on 7nm, is set to arrive at some point in 2019. There will be a big gaming GPU called Navi 20, but this one won’t come until 2020.