Apple man in Tesla's self-driving car seat
Pete Bannon takes Keller's driving wheel
Now that Jim Keller left Tesla for Intel, the new chap in control of Tesla's self-driving car is former PA Semi and Apple apostate Pete Bannon.

Toyota goes into top gear with Nvidia Drive PX
For autonomous vehicles
Nvidia CEO has just announced that Toyota picked Drive PX.

Nvidia doing well in automotive
Auto cash flowing into the graphics card maker
The driverless car market is expected to grow to $42 billion by 2025 and Nvidia has a cunning plan to grab as much of that market as possible with its current automotive partnerships.

Mid-range Pascal gets GDDR5-class memory
Huang pimps up Pascal
NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang mentioned an upcoming mid-range GPU based on the company’s next-generation “Pascal” architecture which will not use HBM2 memory..

Nvidia Tegra chips in 30 million cars
Nvidia CEO drives on about automotive
Jen-Hsun Huang confirmed in company's financial Q2 conference call that the Tegra found its way under the bonnet of 30 million cars.

Meet Nvidia’s Drive PX self-driving car computer
$10,000 to selected developers in May
Nvidia has announced the Nvidia Drive PX, its self-driving computer for the automotive industry, is available as a developer kit.