Brit banks want Big Cloud to face examination
Worried about relying on a handful of companies
Big cloud suppliers like Amazon, Google and Microsoft might have to comply with resilience standards and testing if they want to flog their services to British banks.

Microsoft study doubts if remote voles are really working
Voles are not as productive as they once were
A new study finds that Microsoft's companywide shift to remote work has hurt communication and collaboration among different business groups inside the company, threatening employee productivity and long-term innovation.

Gates blasted as office bully, and party animal
Squeaky clean geek image was just PR world finally told
It seems that the knives are out for Sir William Gates III after Business Insider published an article in which he is portrayed as an office bully, who shagged staff and was rendered bullet proof by money and PR.

October 5 will be Windows 11 release date
Nothing to see here move on please
Microsoft is announcing that Windows 11 will be released on 5 October. The new operating system will be available as a free upgrade for eligible Windows 10 PCs, or on new hardware that ships with Windows 11 pre-loaded.

Volish customers have shedloads of exposed data
Vulnerability in Cosmos database
Software king of the world Microsoft warned thousands of its cloud computing customers, including some of the world's largest companies, that intruders could have the ability to read, change or even delete their main databases.

Microsoft wants to catch pirates with blockchain
Ooo ahh it be Argus
A new paper (PDF) published by Microsoft's research department proposes to tackle piracy with a blockchain-based bounty system titled "Argus".

Microsoft spruces up Paint
Unchanged since 1985
Software King of the World Microsoft is improving its Paint app for the first time since November 1985.

Microsoft is doing as well as can be expected
But chip shortage hurt hardware
Software King of the World Microsoft reported some stonking fourth-quarter results thanks mostly to the antics of its cloud operations. But all was less rosy in its hardware section which was down 20 percent due to supply constraints.

Microsoft acquires CloudKnox
Expanding security business
Software King of the World Microsoft has written a check for a cloud security start-up CloudKnox.

Microsoft has its own Linux distribution.
And it has proudly shown it off
The days when Microsoft CEO, the shy and retiring Steve Ballmer, called Linux cancer on the software industry, are really dead and buried – Vole now has its own Linux distribution which it is even telling people about.