Microsoft working on its own metaverse
Published in News
Wednesday, 03 November 2021 11:46

Microsoft working on its own metaverse

Will probably fail, and be copied by Apple, where it will be a huge success

Software King of the World Microsoft is working on its own version of the Metaverse which will feature such evolutionary things like Powerpoint and Excel.

Nadella says companies need new norms
Published in News
Monday, 01 November 2021 12:01

Nadella says companies need new norms

It is like 1066 all over

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella seems to have given up on the days when everyone used to be in an office.

Microsoft set to overtake Apple as most valuable company again
Published in News

ame Apple Press dons sackcloth and ashes

There was a cry of despair among the Tame Apple Press as it was revealed that software King of the World Microsoft was close to unseating Apple as the world's most valuable company.

Microsoft sees silver lining in cloud
Published in News
Wednesday, 27 October 2021 12:16

Microsoft sees silver lining in cloud

Clouds are booming

Software King of the World Microsoft forecast a strong end to the calendar year thanks to its booming cloud business but said supply chain woes will continue to dog key units such as those producing its Surface laptops and Xbox gaming consoles.

EU set to discipline Big Tech
Published in News
Tuesday, 26 October 2021 13:00

EU set to discipline Big Tech

Also set to rain on their clouds

Draft EU rules to curb the power of Amazon, Apple, Google and Facebook  should also tackle providers of cloud computing services for possible anti-competitive practices, a study said on Tuesday.

AMD teams up with 343 Industries for special Halo-themed RX 6900 XT
Published in Graphics

You won't be able to buy it

AMD has announced a partnership with 343 Industries and Microsoft in order to celebrate the upcoming release of Halo Infinite game, by launching a custom Halo-themed Radeon RX 6900 XT graphics card that, unfortunately, won't be available in retail, but rather as a part of various events and giveaways.

Microsoft suffers LinkedIn mental breakdown in China
Published in News

Regulators got us in the pooh 

PutativeSoftware King of the World,  Microsoft, has decided to shut down LinkedIn in the country as the regulators are getting on its tits.

Cisco wants to copy Microsoft
Published in News
Thursday, 14 October 2021 12:17

Cisco wants to copy Microsoft

Adapt to cloud era

Networking giant Cisco says it has turned a corner in its attempt to adapt to the cloud era.

Microsoft says sorry for kicking AMD off Xbox
Published in Gaming
Thursday, 14 October 2021 12:15

Microsoft says sorry for kicking AMD off Xbox

We should never have done it

Microsoft has said sorry to AMD for the silly decision to kick its chip off the original Xbox 20 years ago and go with Intel.

Microsoft’s Azure mitigates mega DDoS attack
Published in Cloud
Wednesday, 13 October 2021 13:04

Microsoft’s Azure mitigates mega DDoS attack

Largest in the world

Microsoft said its Azure cloud service mitigated a 2.4 terabytes per second (Tbps) distributed denial of service attack this year, at the end of August, representing the largest DDoS attack recorded to date.