Microsoft updates Surface Laptop Go
Published in PC Hardware
Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:41

Microsoft updates Surface Laptop Go

Newer 11th-gen Intel CPU

Microsoft is about to update its compact Surface Laptop Go with a newer 11th-gen Intel CPU (an i5-1135G7), which replaces the 10th-gen model found in the original 2020 laptop.

Microsoft kills off Excel features
Published in News
Tuesday, 31 May 2022 13:34

Microsoft kills off Excel features

No one used them

Software King of the World Microsoft has killed off some of the functions in its Excel spreadsheet because no one was using them.

Microsoft’s cloud gaming stick is no longer a rumour
Published in News

Still not quite ready for market

The Dark Satanic Rumour Mill has been claiming that Microsoft has been working on a streaming stick for Xbox Cloud Gaming using an affordable dongle for a while, but it turns out that the stories were true.

Microsoft ex used VR to watch erotic pillow fight
Published in IoT

In the office

Software King of the World Microsoft apparently has a problem with its managers using VR to watch soft porn in the office.

DuckDuckGo is not as discrete as you might think
Published in News

 Microsoft tracking hole in the system

While many look to DuckDuckGo to protect them from monitoring from big tech, it looks like the search engine is not that private due to deals done with Microsoft.

Windows 11 hardware monitor is buggy
Published in News
Tuesday, 24 May 2022 12:15

Windows 11 hardware monitor is buggy

Not very good at its job

People interested in such things have discovered that Microsoft’s hardware monitoring resource is giving information which is about as accurate as a Ukraine war report on Russian television.

Microsoft updates Windows for Android
Published in News
Tuesday, 24 May 2022 12:14

Microsoft updates Windows for Android

More integration than you can poke a stick at 

Microsoft has updated the Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) to Android 12.1 and shipped improvements to Android integration with Windows, networking, the camera in apps, and the Settings app.

Microsoft backs down on cloud business terms
Published in Cloud

Does not want to anger Brussels

Software King of the World Microsoft is attempting to avoid a full anti-trust inquiry in Europe by changing the terms and conditions of its cloud business.

Microsoft’s Bing censors “politically sensitive” Chinese names
Published in News

Don’t mention prominent Chinese dissidents

Software King of the World Microsoft is in hot water after its Bing search engine was caught censoring the names of prominent Chinese dissidents, and national political leaders.

Microsoft issues out of band update
Published in News
Friday, 20 May 2022 11:59

Microsoft issues out of band update

Fixes app installation failures

Microsoft has released an important out-of-band (OOB) update which resolves an issue that was leading to app installation failures from the Microsoft Store.