Google gave Scientology a leg up
$6 million in free advertising claimed
A Scientology activist has claimed that in 2014, Google gave about $6 million in free advertising to the Church of Scientology.
Apple software most vulnerable and buggy
Even worse than Flash
Fruity cargo cult Apple is actually peddling software which is even less secure than Adobe Flash Player, according to new statistics.
Google and Ford to announce partnership on self-driving cars at CES
Ford to become first of many in potential partnership
According to the recent report, there is evidence for a good chance that tech giant Google and automotive giant Ford Motor Company may be partnering up at the Consumer Electronics Show this week to announce a joint partnership on self-driving vehicles powered by Google technology.
Tech leaders will be jailed for reporting UK spying
Two years in prison
The UK government is threatening to jail leaders of tech companies who warn their customers that they have been victims of government spying.
ISPs less interested in buying servers
Expanded too much
Top ISPs like Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook have stopped buying so many servers after they found their data centres are packed with too many that they don't need.
Google Glass: Enterprise Edition shows up at FCC
Google still not talking about it
While the original Google Glass will never make it to the market, the newely leaked pictures that are live on the FCC website show the earlier rumored Google Glass: Enterprise Edition in all its glory.
Topsy deal was part of Apple’s secret Google war
Former Topsy boss has a theory
Apple has finally pulled the plug on an outfit it spent $200 million on two years ago, and the former director of that company, Topsy, Aaron Hayes-Roth has a theory about how Jobs’ Mob got value for money on the deal.
Hacker Hotz builds a driverless car
Hacks his own car to do it
The bloke who was the first to jail break the iPhone, George Hotz hacked his own car to turn it into a self-driving vehicle.
Apple furious that Google is beating it in the classroom
7/10 must try harder
It is no secret that Apple is being kicked out of the education market by Google, and Jobs’ Mob CEO Tim Cook is furious about it.
Chromebooks are major disrupter
ABI Research figures
New research shows that the notebook market is being disrupted by the increased take-up in chromebooks.