Google abandoning fibre projects
Published in News
Friday, 17 February 2017 12:10

Google abandoning fibre projects

Wireless will get things moving 

Google has decided that fibre is rather old hat and is walking away from wires in favour of wireless tech.

Google’s AI deletes Apple
Published in News
Thursday, 16 February 2017 12:41

Google’s AI deletes Apple

Left alone AI becomes violent when losing 

If you want to feel paranoid about AI, then Google’s deep mind is proof positive of what will happen when the robots take control.

Apple and Samsung war about to get a new rival
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 16 February 2017 12:34

Apple and Samsung war about to get a new rival

Huawei carving its own space

While the western press has attempted to make the smartphone market into a battle between the leaders Apple and Samsung, it is starting to look like both are losing ground to Huawei.

Oracle continues to hassle Google over Android
Published in Mobiles

Java row goes on and on and on

Oracle has decided that it is not going to give up trying to convince the world that Google owes it billions for Android software.

Nougat starts to make an impact
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 10 February 2017 12:23

Nougat starts to make an impact

Still low

The latest Android version has finally managed to appear on more than one percent of phones.

Google gets allly in EU antitrust case
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 07 February 2017 11:56

Google gets allly in EU antitrust case

BT intervenes 

While most people are looking the other way while the EU takes Google to the cleaners in its antitrust case, BT is defending the search engine outfit.

Firefox gives up on connected devices
Published in News
Friday, 03 February 2017 11:31

Firefox gives up on connected devices

Lays off 50 people and lays down

Big Cheeses at the Mozzarella Foundation have given up on connected devices and have eliminated the team connected to bring the browser to the internet of things.

Epic games boss slams Windows 10 Cloud plans
Published in Gaming
Thursday, 02 February 2017 11:59

Epic games boss slams Windows 10 Cloud plans

Calls it Crush Steam Edition

Epic Games founder has slammed Microsoft over its rumoured move to build a version of Windows 10 that can only install apps from the Windows Store.

Voice assistants are a priority in smartphone launches
Published in News

This year, several smartphone manufacturers, including Apple, Samsung Electronics, Huawei, LG and Xiaomi are expected to introduce new devices that feature better AI-based assistants in an effort to increase overall market share, according to industry reports.

Google about to give Raspberry PI a brain
Published in Transportation
Wednesday, 25 January 2017 11:37

Google about to give Raspberry PI a brain

And a few machine learning tools

The Raspberry PI will get AI programming later this year thanks to a cunning Google  plan to bring artificial intelligence and machine learning tools the board later this year.