Published in Graphics

Nvidia?s GTX275 has GTX295 chip

by on12 March 2009


Just one chip

Nvidia needs a card that is faster than GTX 260 and that won’t beat GTX 285 and the answer is as you can imagine GTX 275.

Our sources were told that GTX 275 will have the chip similar to the one you see at GTX 295 dual card, but of course just one of them. The GTX295 chip is mixture between GTX260 and 285 chips and this GT200 55nm has 240 Shaders, and we can only hope that it will have the same number of them for GTX275.

The good news is the price of the card that should end up at $249 suggested etail price and the card should be out in early April.

Last modified on 12 March 2009
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